Beautiful vibrant colours, no stains, and no blemishes mean your home will be looking its best right after being painted. But how do you maintain that look over time? Here are some things you can do to keep your fresh exterior paint looking new. To maintain new paint on your home, you need to take certain steps.
The best way to keep your paint looking great is to take the proper steps before the painting is actually
done. Without prepping your home for painting, you can end up with lots of problems, including a
sloppy looking finished product and paint not adhering, causing it to peel.
Firstly, you need to choose a paint that is both high quality and able to handle the environment it is in.
For exterior paint, you need to look for something that can handle UV rays, accidental impacts, and the
climate you live in.
You also need to clean your walls before painting them. Otherwise, you can end up painting over dirt
and dust, making it look unprofessional. It is recommended that you pressure wash your exterior walls
with a chlorine solution and water. This helps you remove dirt, dust, dried out faded paint, and other
surface contaminants.
You should consider hiring a professional Hamilton painter to do the job to get the best possible
outcome. It is also important to do multiple layers of paint to get the best coverage and provide greater
durability. For heavy-duty cleaning, consider a pressure washer. With pressure washers, you need a
professional to know the right amount of pressure and distance to use the washer from.
It’s easy to forget about your gutters. However, gutters that are properly functioning can make a real
difference to your exterior paint. Gutters help to direct moisture away from your home, thereby
protecting your exterior paint. If your gutters are choked, you might have water flowing onto your
exterior walls.
Moisture damage is always going to be a problem with your home. But the role it plays on your paint
can come in several forms. Mold and mildew, or algae can grow on your walls, creating unsightly spots
that will need to be treated before the spores can spread. Water stains can cause discoloration in your
paint, as well as peeling and cracking.
To prevent moisture damage, you should keep your gutters clear, have regular inspections, and perform
regular maintenance on your home. You should also make sure that you aren’t blocking your home from
sunlight with nearby trees.
You don’t have to rely on the environment to decide when your paint stops looking new. By taking the
time to do some basic maintenance, you can keep your paint looking fresher longer and keep your curb
appeal high. Having fresh paint can also make your home look more inviting and help you enjoy your
space fully. For more information on the residential or commercial painting services Peninsula Painting
offers throughout Hamilton and the surrounding area contact us today!